Financial Advisor and Sales Manager Trainee - PT Axa Financial Indonesia, (Bank Mandiri)

AXA is a French global insurance group of companies that engage in life, health and other forms of insurance, as well as investment management. The group operates primarily in Western Europe, North America and the Asia Pacific region and the Middle East.

The group encompasses four operating business segments: Life & Savings, International Insurance, Asset Management and other Financial Services. It ranks as the largest insurance company in the world on the 2010 Fortune Global 500 list. As one of the biggest channel distribution, we are in search of talents for the following positions:
Financial Advisor and Sales Manager Trainee

Our company is looking to expand our sales and management staff and we are seeking dynamic candidates to join our ranks and be immersed into a culture of constant success and improvement. Candidates who seek career development will discover mind blowing management style and people development within our company

Job Description

* Provide expertise to customers and corporate clients through active promotion.
* Retain existing customer portfolio by building long-term relationships through good client servicing.
* Acquire new customer accounts and meet sales target.

Job Requirement

* Candidates must be at least 25 - 35 years old.
* Candidates must possess at least a degree in any field.
* Candidates must be self motivated, have a service-oriented personality and possess good interpersonal and communication skills.
* Candidates should preferably have at least two years of working experience.
* Rewards and Benefits
* Comprehensive and structured training provided.
* Fast Career advancement to Managerial level for those who meet promotion criteria.
* Incentives, bonuses & long term pension programs.

Interested applicants should send their cover letter and resume to :
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