Administration Assistant Manager (AAM) - PT. BAOSTEEL RESOURCES INDONESIA


BaoSteel is a transnational corporation and biggest steel making company in China. It produced about 38 million tonnes steel in 2009 and ranked 220 of 500 top companies in the world.

BaoSteel has a plan to reach 66 + x million tonnes by the end of 2012. PT. BaoSteel Resources Indonesia is currently seeking new staff to support its operations.

Administration Assistant Manager (AAM)


Good Command in Chinese and English both written and oral
Age Not more than 35 years old
University Degree or similar qualification desirable
Minimum 3 years experience in handling administration and secretarial function
Computer literate (Ms.Word, Ms. Power Point, Ms.excel, Outlook Express, etc)
Good Communication skill, strong networking, good relationship skill
Able to solve problem and oriented to achieve goals
Good leadership skill and able to work under pressure
Has good correspondence skill
Having pleasant personality
Able to multitask, prioritize task and meet deadlines

Please send your application letter, CV and recent photograph and salary requirement to:

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