Founded in 1990 by 2 former software specialists of IBM and Hewlett Packard Corporation - Germany, PT. SUPRANUSA SINDATA is today an international provider of business intelligence solutions for the hospitality, retail and leisure industry. Our solutions cover multi-property and fully integrated hotel management, point of sales, accounting and online reservation systems as well as consulting, training and support.

We provide optimized solutions for all market segments from luxury to budget hotels, individual and chain hotels. Through our global business partners, our solutions are used and operated hundreds of satisfied customers in Indonesia, China, Turkey, Middle East Countries, Cyprus, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

Programmer (Code: PRG)

Due to our rapid business expansion, we are looking for well-qualified and motivated individuals to join our team in Jakarta as Programmer.

Candidates should bring following qualifications:

* Age 22-27
* Diploma degree from Information Technology, min. IPK 3.0
* Min. 1 year experience, fresh graduates are welcome
* Knowledge in accounting or transaction based data processing will be added advantage
* Hard working, highly motivated and excellent analytical thinking

If you are interested and meet the qualifications above, please submit your current resume (with recent photograph) to us:

Jl. Gading Bukit Indah Blok B No. 16
Kelapa Gading Permai
Jakarta 14240

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