Supply Chain Production Leader - DECATHLON SA

Oxylane has around 45 000 collaborators around the world for design, production and retail of our own products & more than 600 megastores, to realize 7 billion Euro Turnover in 2010. Working in Jakarta Decathlon SA production office as a Supply ChainProduction Leader, your responsability is to :
Supply Chain Production Leader (Purchasing / PPIC / Inventory / Logistics)

Job description

* Manage a group of suppliers to produce and deliver sports products on time to customers all around the world.
* Establish your Production Master Plan & Material Requirement Plan
* Negotiate with your customers on forecast, price and order follow up
* Optimize and consolidate the overall costs of products
* Optimize and manage the supply process of finished goods and components
* Guarantee delivery on time
* Pilot turn-over and margin
* Secure the reliability of stock

When this job is fully mastered, different carrer path in Oxylane group can be offered such as in industrialisation, purchasing, supply chain field or business unit hierarchical management, localy or in our headquarters in France.

* You have an Indonesian culture. You have a master degree, specialised in processes or quality, and ideally have 2 years experience in purchasing, PPIC, inventory or logistics fields in the industrial sector.
* You practise sports regularly.
* Good command of English is essential. French is a plus.
* Other requirements for this position: organisation, rigour, ability to anticipate and aptitude for cross-function management.

Thank you for your feedback if you may be interested.

Please send your cover letter & CV in English to

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