Accountant - consultan

Recruiting Administration Staff

We are rapidly growing Indonesian company providing consultancies services in areas that require a thorough understanding of the evolving social and bussiness environment, covering among others Strategic Issues Management, Crisis Management & Communications Reputation Building and Corporate Social Responsibility.

To support our expanding bussiness we are immediately recruiting two business professionals who meet the following criteria to strengthen our team as


* Indonesian citizen under 30 years
* At least 2 years of experience in the relevant area
* Completed at least a post‐high school diploma (D3) in the respective area: Accounting
* Have a sstrong sense of personal ethics and committed to ethical bussiness practice
* Committed to continuous improvement of company and self
* High deggree of self‐confidence
* Capable of coherent thinking in resolving business issues
* Working knowledge of English in spech and writing
* Proficient in Microsooft Office Word and Excel

We offer competitive remuneration combining fixed monthly salary plus incentives linked to company and individual performance,a challenging and professional work but collegial tmosphere and the chance to contribute to improvement of business in Indonesia while editing your personal development.

If visit to our website at www.kiroyan‐ has further stimulated your interest, please send in a single page CV and on a separate page a brief statement in English describing how your qualifications and background match the criteria spelled out above to our Administration Manager at juli.gultom@kiroyan‐ by April 21, 2011.

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