ACCOUNTING SPV - PT. Mulford Indonesia


Mulford Indonesia, PT are mainly engaged in the distribution of plastic sheets, engineering plastic and high tech films, and manufacturing of fiberglass products; with operations throughout all over Indonesia (with branches in Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Makassar). To strengthen our team, we are looking for talented and energetic people to be our:

Kualifikasi :

* Wanita, Max. 32 Tahun
* Min. S1 Accounting / Finance / Admin IPK min 2.8
* Min. 3 tahun sebagai Kepala Accounting / Accounting SPV
* Menguasai sistem akuntansi
* Dapat menyusun Laporan Keuangan & Cash Flow secara akurat
* Dapat menyusun & controlling budget
* Smart, ulet, jujur, bertanggung jawab & dapat bekerjasama dalam team
* Untuk ditempatkan di Jakarta

Please send your CV and Application Letter, put the position code on the subject of the email) within two weeks to : (less than 150Kb file)


HRD Dept
PT. Mulford Indonesia
Jl. Raya Pegangsaan Dua No. 98A

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