Graphic Designer / Web Designer - AKSEL PARIS, Inc

Aksel Paris is a modern menswear company providing luxury dress shirts for exceptional value based in San Fransisco , California, US. We are going to expand our business by creating new and exciting brand that we sell exclusively via our online store. All of our stores will be developed and maintained exclusively by newly created team in Bali, Indonesia.You will work mainly with Magento Commerce to develop the Frontend and Backend of our stores. Our company culture is fun, open, and everyone is free to express their creative ideas in their work.
Graphic Designer / Web Designer

* S1 degree majoring in Graphic Design/Visual Communication Design is a MUST.
* You must able to show your Portfolio in PDF format.
* No experience is required. We welcome fresh graduates.
* Has great taste and creative.
* Powerful in layout, typography selection, and color sense
* Master in Adobe: Photoshop, Illustrator, indesign.
* Additional good skill in Multimedia softwares (Flash, premiere, dreamweaver).
* Hand drawing skill is a big plus.
* Salary range: 2,500,000 - 3,500,000.

General Requirement

Location: Bali.

* Max. 29 years old.
* Singles would be preferably.
* Able to work under pressure.
* Fast learner and must be able to work very well as a team player.
* Hardworking, independent, able to deliver excellent work yet meet deadlines.
* Good command of English both written and spoken because all briefs prepared in English.

Interested applicants please apply online with your comprehensive resume with the following details (Non-English Application will not be considered):

* Cover letter / self introduction in English.
* Current and past work experience includes qualification and skills.
* Expected salary / Last drawn salary.
* Reasons for leaving current job.
* Skype ID / MSN Email / Yahoo Messenger and best time to contact you in WIB.
* Online portfolio URL (if any).

Interested persons should send their CV to:

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