To us, innovation and quality are facts of life. By employing the latest technology and expertise, we make an ongoing investment in the development of new products and processes, and in the quality improvement of our existing products.

We have a long history of successful innovations and comprehensive industrial activities which have rewarded us a practical understanding of many different technologies. However, we also believe that innovations, quality products, technical services and reliability are more than just a sophisticated accomplishments resulted from technical know-hows in Research and Development. They have meaningful impact to our day-to-day operations, to our commitment to customers, to our dedication to quality, and to meeting the requirements of the job.

Now we are looking for successful candidate for :


S-1 Tehnik Sipil / Tehnik Arsitektur dari Universitas ternama,
Laki-laki, maks. 35 thn
Mempunyai pengalaman yang cukup lama ( min 5 thn) dalam menangani proses pembangunan gedung / pabrik baru pada perusahaan manufacturing mulai dari pembuatan design bangunan, penyusunan anggaran pembangunan, pencarian kontraktor dan juga pengontrolan progress pembangunannya dengan nilai proyek +/- 50 M.

We may give priority for candidates who live in Bogor area, Cibinong, Cibubur and Depok.

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