I.T Support Officer - Medikaloka Health Care

We are a team of Primary & Specialist Doctors, Dentist and Health Care Professionals. We are seeking the following professionals for the position of:
I.T Support Officer


* Male max. 28 years old.
* D3/S1 Degree in Information System/Engineering.
* Minimum 1 year experience as an IT Officer/EDP Staff/Network Engineer.
* Has good knowledge on networking and troubleshooting computer (software and hardware).
* Has knowledge on SQL database and programming will be an advantage.
* Creative and Independent.

Please send your comprehensive resume with recent photograph via email in MS Word Format to: hrd@medikaloka.com or via regular mail addressed to:

HRD & GA Department,

Medikaloka Health Care,

Graha Irama Building, 5th floor, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Blok X-1, Kav. 1-2, Jakarta 12950,

not later than 30 April 2011.
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